Spont. Go on an adventure, come back with friends.



In major metro areas like San Francisco, London, Berlin, LA, and Seattle, there is an influx of highly educated individuals who often have sedentary work styles and lack friends from the places where they grew up or studied.



Spont simplifies the organization of group adventures, helping users find the optimal location and time to meet. Users swipe right on events they're interested in, confirm their availability, and simply need to show up. The Spont algorithm identifies the most suitable time and place for the event. The primary aim of the app is to make it easier for people to form friendships in new locations. While there are various apps with Tinder-like interfaces for this purpose, the issue is that very few people actually meet, and even fewer establish lasting connections. Starting a friendship by going on an adventure together is a more effective and less awkward approach than meeting randomly without any specific plan.



As part of a six-person team, I designed all of the UX and UI, and substantially contributed to the product strategy of the app. I used Sketch for design and prototyping, and Zeplin to hand off designs to the developers.



Created in 2019